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Kahin Center

The George McT. Kahin Center for Advanced Research on Southeast Asia is located in the handsome and historic Treman House.

Kahin Center

When it was built in 1902, the house at 640 Stewart Avenue boasted a hand-operated elevator, electric bells, speaking tubes, and central heating. The house was built by Robert Henry Treman, the son of an enterprising local family and the first member of that family to attend Cornell University and be elected to its Board of Trustees.

Dedicated on May 11, 1992, as the George McT. Kahin Center for Advanced Research on Southeast Asia, this historic house is home to SEAP's graduate students, visiting fellows and scholars, faculty members, and publication and outreach offices. To quote George Kahin, it serves as SEAP's "spiritual epicenter," where a diverse group of students and faculty whose interests span a range of disciplines can draw upon each others' experiences and knowledge of Southeast Asia.

A variety of events take place in the Kahin Center, including SEAP's weekly seminars (scheduled at noon each Thursday during the academic year) and other student- and faculty-sponsored symposia and conferences.