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Thomas Pepinsky

Tom Pepinsky on Cornell campus

Director, Southeast Asia Program

Thomas Pepinsky is the Walter F. LaFeber Professor of Government in the College of Arts and Sciences and a professor in the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy. He serves as director of Cornell's International Political Economy Program and associate director of the Cornell Modern Indonesia Project.

His research centers around two themes: the relationship between economic interests and political outcomes, and the interaction between domestic politics and the global economy.

He is the author (with R. William Liddle and Saiful Mujani) of Piety and Public Opinion: Understanding Indonesian Islam (Oxford University Press, 2018) and Economic Crises and the Breakdown of Authoritarian Regimes (Cambridge University Press, 2009). His current work focuses on financial politics in emerging market economies, authoritarianism and regime survival, and political Islam in Indonesia and beyond.

Geographic Research Area: Southeast Asia

Teaching/Research Interests: Comparative politics and political economy, with a focus on emerging market economies in Asia

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  • Faculty
  • SAP Faculty Associate
    • SEAP Core Faculty
      • SEAP Director
        • Einaudi Faculty Leadership
