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Rare and Distinctive Language Fellowships

Application Timeframe: Spring
Adeolu Ademoyo with a student learning Yoruba


If you love languages, our newest summer funding opportunity is for you!

Rare and distinctive (RAD) languages set Cornell apart. Cornell offers over 50 languages, including some of the world's least frequently taught—from Ukrainian to Quechua, Urdu to Burmese.

With the help of a RAD Language Fellowship, you can achieve fluency in your choice of these languages. Learning RAD languages offers insight into vibrant cultural identities and traditions and gives you the ability to work effectively in places around the globe.

Cornell Chronicle: Einaudi Fellowships Support Students Learning Uncommon Languages


For summer study at any level (graduate or undergraduate): $3,500 stipend, plus a fees and tuition allowance of up to $5,000. 


All currently enrolled Cornell graduate and undergraduate students are eligible for RAD fellowships. You do not need to be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or complete a FAFSA, which FLAS requires.

You must be planning to study a modern language among the least commonly taught languages offered at Cornell (see sidebar).

To be a successful applicant, you need to show potential for high academic achievement and agree to pursue full-time study of a language in accordance with the university’s requirements. You do not need to have previous experience or coursework in the language you plan to study. Lowest priority will be given a candidate who is a native speaker of the language.

How to Apply

In your application, you will be asked to provide information on your proposed study location. You must identify your own preferred program.

We recommend the following U.S. summer intensive language programs, although we will consider any programs—domestic or overseas—that meet the minimum requirements.

Your program must be at least six weeks in duration and offer at least 120 student contact hours. Please indicate the language level you intend to study during the award period.


  • Be a currently enrolled Cornell student.
  • Plan to attend an approved summer intensive language acquisition program.
  • Use the online application to submit your materials, including:
    • Two letters of recommendation from faculty members.
    • An official transcript of one full academic year of coursework.
    • An optional third letter of recommendation from a language instructor.

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships

RAD fellowships expand the scope of language study supported by Einaudi's Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships. If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident studying a language of South or Southeast Asia, please apply for a FLAS fellowship for a summer or full year of study. Apply for the RAD Language Fellowship if you are:

  • studying a language from outside of South or Southeast Asia, or
  • studying a language of South or Southeast Asia, but you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

Both opportunities have the same deadline.

RAD Language News and Opportunities

Additional Information