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Funding Opportunities for Faculty

The Einaudi Center and our eight regional and thematic programs offer hundreds of opportunities for faculty engagement and collaboration each year—including conferences, workshops, research initiatives, and grants.  

The Einaudi Center’s grants seed faculty-led international research, conferences, and collaborations. We offer one cycle of seed funding annually, with applications opening in late fall and awards by early February. If you are a tenured or tenure-track faculty member from any program, center, college, or school, you may be eligible for a grant. 

Faculty Opportunities

Seed Grants

Kassam climate/calendar research team in the field

Funding for international research and events

Global Public Voices

microphone on stage

Expand your reach to wider global audiences

Global Public Voices in the Media

See how our Global Public Voices fellows and alumni are expanding the reach of Cornell’s expertise with their media appearances and op-eds.

Past Awards